Thursday, May 15, 2014

Risk IN Pregnancy

Now, for a normal pregnancy, your overall chance of miscarriage before 12 weeks is 15-20%. Of those miscarriages, 75% will happen during week 1-2 after conception(before you know you are pregnant), 10% at weeks 3-6, and 5% at 6-13 weeks, unless you have seen the heartbeat on ultrasound, in which case they drop to 2-3% which will remail the same for the rest of your pregnancy (however, pregnancy loss after 20 weeks is considered stillbirth and not miscarriage). 

So, the fact that you have made it long enough to get a positive pregnancy test really reduces the risk. And every day, the risk will get lower. The important thing to remember is that you can't do anything to cause or prevent a miscarriage - and that it is actually much harder to lose a baby than not. And, especially if you are looking on the internet for information about miscarriage, remember that when something bad happens to you, statistically you will tell 10 people, but when something good happens you will only tell one. There are a lot of people posting about their losses, but remember that they are a small minority. 

A site that really helped me get through my fear of miscarriage is here: They have the statistics I listed, plus a list of the real causes and myths of miscarriage. I had a lot of people telling me that I needed to stop worrying or the stress might hurt the baby or cause a miscarriage...and boy did that make me more nervous!!!

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